
Hey there, entrepreneurial enthusiasts and startup aficionados! We’re thrilled to share with you May’s most interesting startups 2023, that captured our attention on our platform. Get ready to embark on a journey filled with creativity, passion, and the relentless pursuit of success as we unveil the most interesting startups we approved in May. Let’s dive in and discover the next big things together! After all, startups are one of the best workplaces you could wish for.

  1. Location: Finland
  2. Founded: 2018
  3. Employees: 1-10
  4. Funding state: Bootstrapping

Introducing Xes Helsinki, a vibrant Helsinki-based community of entrepreneurially minded individuals. With a strong emphasis on diversity, Xes Helsinki takes pride in its international members, fostering connections that transcend borders. The community’s primary goal is to inspire individuals about entrepreneurship while providing a platform for personal and professional growth.

At Xes Helsinki, the focus is on building networks and facilitating meaningful connections among like-minded individuals. By creating a safe environment for testing business ideas they believe in nurturing the talents and ambitions of aspiring entrepreneurs within society.

Xes Helsinki Team

The community encourages members to expand their skillsets, empowering them to unlock their full potential. Through a multitude of opportunities, Xes Helsinki aims to inspire, support, and guide individuals on their entrepreneurial journey, all while fostering a strong professional network.

Xes Helsinki envisions a future where bright entrepreneurs emerge, armed with the necessary skills and a platform to transform their ideas into successful ventures.

  1. Location: Norway
  2. Founded: 2022
  3. Employees: 1-10
  4. Funding state: Pre-seed

Get ready to know Evvent on a mission to revolutionize event planning for Muslim communities worldwide! With a sprinkle of fun and a whole lot of passion, they’re here to create a one-stop-shop for event organizers and connect them with Muslim vendors who understand their unique needs.

Evvent is all about shaking up the event planning market and solving the fragmented and underserved challenges faced by Muslim communities. In fact, they’ve seen firsthand how event organizers struggle to find vendors who truly get their cultural and religious requirements. But fear not, because Evvent is here to change the game! Their digital platform is the secret sauce that connects event organizers with top-notch Muslim vendors specializing in everything from halal catering to decor, entertainment, and photography. With a user-friendly interface and a comprehensive range of services, planning an unforgettable event has never been easier.

Mariam Tashakori (CEO) & Zaharia Bougroug (CTO)

But it doesn’t stop there! Evvent is committed to empowering Muslim entrepreneurs too. They’re creating opportunities for vendors and suppliers to grow and scale their businesses, all while maintaining the values of inclusivity, diversity, and excellence that their community holds dear. Powered by the latest technology and fueled by their genuine passion, the Evvent team is making waves. If this does not scream the most interesting startup, then nothing else will!

The future of event planning for Muslim communities is brighter than ever. So, get ready to witness the magic unfold as Evvent paves the way for unforgettable events and incredible opportunities.

Evvent – where the fun begins and unforgettable memories are made!

  1. Location: Norway
  2. Founded: 2021
  3. Employees: 1-10
  4. Funding state: Pre-seed

Another on the list of May’s Most Interesting Startups 2023 is Noddi, the game-changer in automotive maintenance! With a sprinkle of magic and a whole lot of modern technology, Noddi is here to make car maintenance a breeze, right at your doorstep.

Say goodbye to the hassle of traditional garages! Noddi brings you the convenience and cost-efficiency you’ve been dreaming of. How? By combining their awesome booking experiences with cutting-edge logistics automation, Noddi is able to offer services like wheel changes and car detailing delivered straight to your home. And guess what? They keep the prices as friendly as those you’d find in a traditional garage.

Picture this: no more wasting your precious time at the garage, sipping stale coffee and flipping through outdated magazines. With Noddi, you get top-notch car maintenance without ever leaving the comfort of your own home. It’s a win-win! So, get ready to experience a whole new level of convenience and wave goodbye to the old ways. Noddi is here to transform the automotive maintenance game and bring the garage to you. Buckle up and let’s embark on this exciting ride together!

Noddi – because car maintenance should be as easy as a Sunday drive!

  1. Location: Norway
  2. Founded: 2023
  3. Employees: 1-10
  4. Funding state: Pre-seed

Get ready to rock the marketing world with Metric, the ultimate revolution in AI-powered marketing! Say hello to your new best friend, the world’s first marketing solution that dishes out personalized and live recommendations on what, when, and where to market.

Metric is not your average app—it’s a game-changer! With just one click, you can effortlessly create targeted, customized, and super-smart campaigns that will leave your competitors in awe. Say goodbye to the days of guesswork and hello to the power of data-driven insights.

Want to reach the right audience at the right time? Metric has got your back! It’s like having a marketing guru right in your pocket, guiding you every step of the way. No more scratching your head or wondering if your campaigns are hitting the mark. Metric’s got you covered.

So, get ready to unleash the full potential of your marketing strategy with Metric. It’s time to shake things up, have some fun, and watch your business soar to new heights.

Metric – where marketing dreams come true, one click at a time!

  1. Location: Sweden
  2. Founded: 2023
  3. Employees: 1-10
  4. Funding state: Bootstrapping

Taxwize.ai is a virtual AI assistant specifically designed for tax advisors who are tired of drowning in paperwork! They’re here to revolutionize the way tax advisors work by taking care of the nitty-gritty tasks that eat up their precious time. 
With Taxwize.ai, you can bid farewell to endless hours of tedious legal research and drafting mind-numbing communication with the tax authorities. To point out, their supercharged AI technology is ready to swoop in and save the day, giving you back those precious hours every week. Imagine what you could do with all that newfound freedom! Say goodbye to the monotony and hello to the excitement of focusing on what truly matters – building relationships and providing exceptional service to your clients.

Taxwize.ai – because tax advisors deserve a break too!

What can you expect next?

Brace yourself for an exhilarating journey as we unveil the captivating stories of numerous interesting startups on our platform. Every month, we’ll whisk you away to new realms of innovation and adventure. Imagine being on a fast-paced roller coaster, zipping through the twists and turns of our data hub, discovering extraordinary startups at every bend! Also, have you checked our latest articles on the most popular startups for 2022? If not, you can check the top lists in DenmarkSwedenNorway and even Finland!