You’ve finally found it – the dream job that you’ve been searching for. It’s everything you’ve ever wanted in a career, and you can’t wait to apply. But before you click “Submit” on that job application, there are a few things you need to do first.

From ensuring that you meet the minimum requirements to tailoring your resume and cover letter, there are a number of important steps to take before applying for your dream job. Keep reading to learn more about the 9 things you need to do before applying for your dream job!

1. Research the company

Before submitting an application, you’ll want to do some research on the company and job listing you’re interested in. Find out all you can about the role you’re applying for, the company culture, and the expected pay and benefits. Scour the company website and social media pages and see what they’re all about. Are there any articles or blog pieces you can find from the company and its employees? Research like this will give you an edge when it comes time to write your resume and cover letter. In addition to researching the job and company, you’ll want to take a look at job postings for similar positions that you may be qualified for. If these postings contain any words that you’re unfamiliar with, take the time to research them and get an understanding of their meaning and usage in the job context. Doing this due diligence can help you present yourself in the best light possible when you submit an application, so it’s time well spent. Check out Longwood University and its 6 different ways how to research company before applying!

2. Get your social media presence in order

Nowadays, employers are increasingly checking out job seekers’ social media profiles as part of their interview process. This is in most cases LinkedIn but can also be your work-related profile on other platforms such as Instagram, Github, TikTok or many others. To make sure that any recruiter who looks at your profiles is impressed, take some time to give your profiles a refresh. Update your profile photos if needed and proofread all of your posts for spelling and grammar errors. But it’s not all about good housekeeping!

Make sure that your social media accounts reflect components of your personality such as your interests and the commitment you have towards professional development. You can do this by sharing relevant posts and industry news, joining groups and conversations in your field, and highlighting moments of personal or professional success. All of this sends a message to potential employers that you’re a thoughtful, engaged and reliable person who takes their career seriously.

3. Update your resume and cover letter

You’ve probably heard this before and you’ll no doubt hear it again: update your resume and cover letter with each job that you apply to. By tailoring your materials to the specific job listing, you’ll show recruiters and hiring managers that you’ve done your homework and that you’re truly qualified. Spend some time cleaning up and tailoring your resume –  highlight your achievements and quantify them when possible. Delete any unnecessary information, and ensure that you’ve included all relevant education and experience. When it comes time to write your cover letter, be sure to reference the job post and explain why you’re a perfect fit for the role.

It also helps to go through your resume and cover letter with a fine-toothed comb before submitting. Double-check for spelling and grammar errors and ask someone else to take a look as well. It may seem like an obvious point, but you’d be surprised how many resumes and cover letters make it out to potential employers with typos or other mistakes. Spending this extra time before applying will ensure that the materials you submit present the best version of yourself possible!

Are you struggling with how to structure your CV? We have searched the internet, tried different platforms and written articles to help you nail your CV.

4. Create a portfolio

If you’re applying for a job in a creative field, having an up-to-date portfolio can be a major asset. Put together a website or PDF that showcases examples of your best work. If you’ve worked on any major projects, consider including them in your portfolio. Showcasing your past successes will give you an edge over other applicants who don’t have a portfolio at all. In addition to examples of your work, you can also include a link to any professional profiles such as LinkedIn, a list of references, or testimonials or awards you’ve received. A portfolio allows you to give a potential employer a complete picture of who you are and what you’ve done, so it’s worth the effort to put one together if you’re applying for your dream job!

5. Know what the company is looking for

When you’re looking for a job, it’s easy to focus on the skills and qualifications that you have. But in order to be successful in job searches, it also helps to understand what the company is looking for. Do some research on the job listing you’re applying for and make a list of the required skills and qualifications mentioned in the text. From there, think about where you fit into that list. What experiences or qualifications do you have that make you a good fit for the role? Knowing what the company is looking for ahead of time will help you in putting together an impeccable application package.

6. Dress for success

The way that you dress is important before you even walk into the door for an interview. Clothes send a powerful message, and it’s important that yours is a positive one. Before applying for your job, take the time to research the company culture and dress code. The last thing you want is to show up to the interview underdressed or wearing something that clashes with the company’s culture. For interviews, it’s always better to go with a safer option and dress more formally than not. Consider wearing a suit or a blazer. Make sure that your clothes are neatly pressed and ironed and avoid anything too revealing or flashy. In addition, make sure that your accessories are minimal and that your appearance is neat and clean. Irrespective of what the company’s dress code really is, it’s important that you dress the part of a professional.

7. Prepare for common interview questions

Researching interview questions is a key part of preparing for your dream job. Start by reading through the job listing and make a list of the skills, experiences and qualifications mentioned. If a job posting mentions something, you can count on it being asked in the interview. Then, research some of the most common questions recruiters and hiring

There is quite a lot of steps you need to go through before applying for your dream job but believe me, following the steps will make your life at least twice as much easier and you will be closer to landing that job you have been always dreaming of. So without further ado, try not to procrastinate and good luck with your preparation!