
Are you still wondering why this is the best time to hire a student intern? Well, first of all, the balance between education and experience is shifting. The skills that students learn during an internship are becoming more important and crucial for the base of their careers. Interns are currently representing a higher percentage of the European continent´s workforce than ever before. Most companies use internships to hire their full-time employees and here are a few reasons why you should do it too right now!



    Most of the students are currently looking for their dream internships as the time period is right behind the door. To understand it a little bit better, the internship periods are set by the educational institutions and all the students need to find the internships ahead of this time, in order to set the details and make an agreement with both the educational institution and the place of work – which would be you. Therefore, if you are thinking about hiring an intern you should not wait any longer and post your job opening right now to catch the interns at the right time.  




Catching the best talent has a lot to do with the right timing. Therefore, opening a job position ahead of the internship period will get you the chance to be the first out there and get the best applicants. Nobody is going to wait until the last minute, as the students are very much pressured by the time. The rule of thumb here is hence, the sooner the better.


    If you are still wondering what the best talent can offer to you and your startup, think about the time when you ask someone out of your team or company for an opinion. It brings something new to the table and gives you a completely new perspective. Imagine someone freshly soaked with all the innovations and amazing opportunities within the area of study and interest. They can be such a valuable asset and move your company further much faster than you thought it could be done.


    As you will open a position ahead of the actual internship period, it will give you enough time to be fully prepared for these knowledge savvy brains. It is a great opportunity to get the agreement and best talent upfront and plan everything needed afterwards. Believe me, this will make the whole internship period much more interesting and valuable for both you and your intern.


    Do you know that currently, the market is in favour of the employees rather than the employer? Well, to get you in the loop there are simply way too many open positions out there and not enough talent. This is why hiring can be really difficult these days. However, what if I told you that if you start hiring in the right period you could actually save a lot of time and effort and hire faster than ever? Opening a position for interns right when they are looking for one is a perfect scenario. Do not believe us? Try it out yourself. Open an internship position right now and let us know how your hiring goes.



All the big companies are skilled in hiring interns and recruiting on a regular basis. Any startup knows how important it is to have enough people and resources to make the business work. This is a very tough competition to beat and we are fully aware of that. However, if you are not going to start acting now then you will lose any opportunity of beating them. Do you want to beat the competition and get your interns on board or leave it to the last minute and not get enough applications? The decision is yours. 

For many graduates life after University is confusing, and they have no idea of what they want to do in the future. Doing an internship is a great way to ‘test-drive’ a career and see what works for you.

Many of us have experienced those disappointing months after graduation… You feel that after all your hard study you deserve a decent job with a generous salary and a ton of juicy benefits. Well, it simply doesn’t work like that anymore, and like many of you, I learnt that the hard way.

Starting your career as an intern is a great way to learn from experienced professionals without the pressure of a full-time job. Most companies will give you responsibility from day one meaning that you 

Students are beginning to search for these positions earlier every year, so hiring managers must start planning earlier than usual if they want to reach the most qualified applicants.