
The 15 Best Startup Incubators in Sweden

There is no shortage of opportunities for Swedish entrepreneurs to network in a coworking space, or join an accelerator to take their business to the next level. The Swedish startup ecosystem is quite easy to navigate if you know which places to go.

An incubator might be one of the best places to start for early startups.  And that is why we have prepared a list of the best incubators in Sweden in no particular order. 


1. Arctic Business – the 7th Best Incubator in the World

The Arctic Business incubator, affiliated with Luleå University of Technology, has been voted the 7th best incubator in the world. With a focus on sustainable development, their goals are to help create new and innovative companies in the North of Sweden aiming to meet the 2030 UN’s Agenda.

To secure vast amounts of investment, startups have to go through the Arctic  Business Incubator and a possible accelerator. Some of the most known alumni include Behaviosec and BioCool.

  • Duration: 3 – 9 months
  • Perks: up to 500,000 SEK in funding, pricing and business model help, marketing, office and equipment
  • Best for: Northern Swedish sustainability startups and impact tech
Arctic Business

2. Inkubera – Incubator and Catalyst

An incubator and catalyst for “those who want to create prosperous and growing innovative companies”. Inkubera has a proven track record of creating 40 innovative companies in the past 5 years, all of which secured nearly 100M SEK in sales. Yobber and BioImpakt are included as startup alumni. Inkubera accepts 15 new companies each year, Without taking any equity or ownership, Inkubera accepts 15 new companies each year. These companies benefit from complete access to a network of experts, advisors, entrepreneurs, and other entrepreneurs who will share their energy, knowledge and experience.

  • Duration: not specified
  • Perks: access to a network of entrepreneurs, business coaches and financiers

3. Umeå Biotech Incubator – Northern Swedish Biotech

UBI or Umeå Biotech Incubator is a state of the art biotech incubator in the heart of Northern Sweden dedicated to turning innovative ideas into real-life benefits for patients and society as a whole.

Since 2004, UBI has helped launch 15+ companies with financial grants from VINNOVA, and their close partnerships with Umeå Universitet, Västerbottens läns landsting (VLL), Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet (SLU), Norrlands Universitetssjukhus (NUS) and Försvarets forskningsinstitut (FOI).

  • Duration: varies
  • Perks: lab facilities, business coaching, product development, team evaluation, etc.
  • Best for: Northern Swedish startups focusing on health tech and biotech
Umeå Biotech Incubator

4. The Game Incubator – Enter The Swedish Games Industry

The Game Incubator comes from a non-profit organization designed to expand the Swedish game industry. Since its launch in 2004, the incubator has helped create 100 companies and created 500+ jobs for designers, developers, and entrepreneurs in the gaming niche.

There are two locations in Sweden, Science Park Skövde (Skövde) and Lindholmen Science Park (Göteborg), hosting together 18 studios at all times. They do not take equity, however, you might have to pay a small fee (depending on the size of your team). You will have to attend some workshops and other events in person, but you don’t need to be located in either city.

  • Duration: 15 months (3 months startup phase, 6 months Business phase and 6 months Venture phase)
  • Perks: legal advice, business assistance, equipment access, marketing help
  • Best for: Indie developers and small game studios
The game incubator

5. Bizmaker – Making sustainable business ideas grow

BizMakers incubator is focused on helping entrepreneurs develop new ideas to expand companies. The program is mainly focused on supporting startups with green and technology-based innovations. As a requirement, your product/service has to be sustainable, scalable and have potential in international markets. 

The incubator is based in the middle of Sweden (Headquarters in Sundsvall) and gives you access to business advisors, office space and support based on your individual needs and phase. To help you with your ideas and give them different perspectives, you can use a wide range of corporate partners and access specific industry knowledge. 

  • Duration: 6 – 36 months
  • Perks: access to business advisors, innovation environments and large industry expertise.
  • Best for: startups with a sustainable and scalable solution

6. Brewhouse – Brewing Creativity in Västra Götaland

Brewhouse is an incubator for cultural and creative industries focusing on architecture, design, performing arts, cultural heritage, literature and multimedia, amongst others. It is an important part of the Västra Götaland region startup scene. It has helped launch 250+ projects and 60% of which are still active today.

To access Brewhouse you have to apply and once you are selected, you will get a permanent or flexible workplace. You also receive access to Brehouses´s growth program, regular business development support, coach calls and access to the entire Brewhouse network.

  • Duration: not specified
  • Perks: access to their network, investor meetups, office space
  • Best for: startups focusing on creativity, art and culture in Western Sweden

7. Founders Loft – For Future Enterprises

A value-based incubator focusing on growth through sustainable economic and equality values. Founders Loft tailors a special programme for each startup. 

The incubator takes place in Gothenburg and you’ll get an office space, network access, and a chance to join the managing director’s meetings – a forum where you can pitch your ideas and get real-life feedback from successful fellow CEOs and directors.

  • Duration: not specified
  • Perks: preferential prices on office space, pitch-practising opportunities, connections to capital etc.

8. Blekinge Business Incubator – The Scaleup Fast-track

A successful program with ties to Silicon Valley. The Blekinge Business Incubator (BBI) is divided into two parts: a Startup Academy and Scaleup Fasttrack. There is a thorough evaluation of your idea through small, 24-48 hour workshops, and if you are selected you will join the ranks of dozens of companies like ForgottenKey that expanded once they joined the BBI program.

  • Duration: not specified
  • Perks: network access, business analysis, free workshops

9. Boras Ink – Borås-Based Textile Tech

This incubator is based in the textile capital of Sweden – Borås. With support for entrepreneurs and innovators in technology, textiles and fashion with business development. 

Boras Ink offers advice from business concept to market launch, on the other hand, the company offers financing, technical and commercial networks and a creative growth environment in the Textile Fashion Center, where you’ll have access to office space, studio, and machinery.

One of their main goals is designed to fast-track your idea towards investment with their own company InkInvest, which takes a 10% stake in your company and provides professional knowledge.

  • Duration: not specified
  • Perks: financing opportunities, office space, machinery, and studio access
  • Best for: Boras-based textile-focused startups
Boras Ink

10. Ideon Innovation – Greenhouse for New Ideas

Ideon Innovation, located in the middle of the Ideon Science Park, offers a nurturing environment for innovation and collaboration where more than 206 startups have been incubated since 2001. Collectively, these companies created 2835 job opportunities and earned 2,7B SEK in revenue.

As part of their incubator program, you’ll get to sit in their creative office space, join a vast network of experienced business coaches, and access all the networking events the Ideon Science Park has to offer.

  • Duration: not specified
  • Perks: office space at Ideon Science Park, network and events access

11. Chalmers Ventures – Completing your 100 Day Plan

A great way to create impact is to commercialize your tech, which is exactly what Chalmers Ventures sets out to do with their various programmes including pre-seed, accelerator, and incubator.

They bring your startup idea to life in a 100-day implementation, with a focus on launching a viable product. The first will have to match your tech with a team of entrepreneurs from the Chalmers School of Entrepreneurship. Then, if you qualify for their programme, you will get 100 days of full-on support. 

  • Duration: 100 days
  • Perks: match your tech with the right entrepreneurs, access to the accelerator and pre-seed program, legal counsel and dedicated business coaching
  • Best for: tech that wants to be turned into consumer products
chalmers ventures

12. KI Innovations – Long Term Viability In Mind

The Karolinska Institute (KL)  came up with an incubator program called DRIVE. It is designed to support the successful commercial development of businesses in life sciences.

DRIVE is ideal for scientists, researchers, or even academics who come up with a brilliant idea – “how to help patients and society as a whole”, but have no clue on how to turn it into a successful, profitable product or service.

  • Duration: maximum of 3 years
  • Perks: not fully specified, but usual access to resources and network
  • Best for: newly-started companies with a commercial, verified business opportunity

13. LEAD Incubate – The B2B Specialists

LEAD is the only incubator on this list that focuses on how startups operate rather than their niche. It is an amazing idea, which will help B2B entrepreneurs with gaining real-life experience. Lead provides a variety of domains such as sales training, marketing and PR, and customer service, amongst others. Once selected by LEAD, you will become a member with access to community breakfast and events, a dedicated business coach, skills and development programs from fellow CEOs and sales teams, amongst others.

  • Duration: 12 – 18 months
  • Perks: Skill and development program, full office in Linköping or Norrköping, dedicated business coach, community events access, business contacts, etc.
  • Best for: best and only for B2B startups
Lead innovation

14. Create a Business Incubator

A non-profit business where all resources go back into incubating new projects, the Create Business Incubator isn’t free (you need to pay 5,000 SEK a month), but you get a ton in return.

The program includes 50 hours of business development, coaching, expert support, and access to events at Västerås Science Park, Munktell Science Park in Eskilstuna and Sörmlandsfonden. They do not take any equity. They have a grant of SEK 6.5 million by Vinnova for the years 2016-2020 and startups can apply to develop as part of the incubation process.

  • Duration: 6 months
  • Perks: grant access, events, 50 hours worth of business development
  • Best for: startups in food tech, health tech, sustainable energy, and AI or robotics, amongst others

15. Leap Accelerator – by Business Sweden

One of Sweden’s most recent newcomers to join the accelerator community is the Leap Accelerator owned by Business Sweden. Commissioned by the Government and the Swedish industry, the Leap Accelerator is a global accelerator program that represents an international network of over 50 markets.

The accelerator program aims to give global access to startups with a focus on helping them internationalize with tailored expansion strategies. The program is completely free and consists of five sessions spread out over two months. The two most noteworthy alumni coming out of the Leap Accelerator are Abigo Medical and ReVibe which have made sustainable goals part of their mission.

You can apply directly through their website here.

  • Duration: 2 months
  • Perks: free-of-charge, network & data access, best-in-class mentors
  • Best for: ambitious tech start-ups and scale-ups looking to develop a practical strategy to grow globally.

Other Resources – More Swedish Incubators

If you didn’t find the incubator of your dreams on our list, make sure you keep an eye on Swedish university websites. For instance, the Stockholm University Incubator, which goes through the SU Innovation Office, can offer startups the equivalent of products and services worth 300,000 SEK. You can see if your startup aligns with the ones currently part of the programme here.

‍The Stockholm School of Economics also has an incubator that runs for up to 18 months. You might have heard of Klarna, Yollibox, Budbee and Voi Technology, all companies that have been incubated there since 2001.