
Looking for the next addition to your team is the ultimate matchmaking. You want the skills and chemistry to be right. This means you need to present yourself in your best light.
Attracting the right personality with the right set of skills can quickly be done by following a few easy steps and creating an effective job ad for student intern at thehub.io:


Now, try to put the creativity aside and concentrate on a catchy but clear name for the position you are opening. You want the applicants to be able to decode the internship position just by looking at the title. If the name is clear and catches their attention you will have a higher chance of them reading the job description and hitting the apply button. 


_details matter

Try to put some extra time into describing what you offer and who you are looking for. Avoid making your job description too brief as the details are important.  Intern wants to know what they are getting themselves into. Just like you want to see more than a job title on the applicant’s CV, an in-depth explanation of the requirements and the job itself encourage the right applicants to apply!


Make your job post, not like any other. The job posts getting the most applicants are unique and stand out from the endless pool of offers the talent has access to. Therefore, what you need to do is to sell the job! When creating a job post — regardless if your startup is looking for marketing assistant intern or full-stack developers  — make it personal. Make it memorable.


A good set of skills is the key, but keep in mind you will spend a lot of time working side by side with your new team member to make your business grow. Do not be shy to add pictures to your profile and give at least a little bit of information about the kind of atmosphere and culture you have around the office. That way the talent will immediately see if this is the kind of environment they would like to work in.



Be clear in your ad about the skills that are needed and the ones that can be overlooked if everything else clicks. This will help applicants evaluate if they have a shot at being selected and will help you attract the right type of applicants. Remember most female applicants will only apply if they have every single one of the requirements. That seems subtle but can take good talented people out of the pool.


The clothes may not make the man but we like to think a clean set of clothes is a minimum. The same thing goes for your job ad. If the content is what matters most, make an effort to keep it clean and easy to read. A fine balance between bullet points and rich text will usually do the job. However, do not forget to be creative as this is your time to shine.


People don’t like to be kept in the dark. Explain the hiring process, if the position is paid or not if it is a long term or short term agreement and what you expect from the candidates. The more transparent you are, the more interest you will spark in the eyes of the right intern for the job opening. We suggest you elaborate on the structure of the internship to give the applicants a little bit of an overview of what is waiting for them and how you will approach their onboarding. 



Request from your applicants only what is necessary. Writing a motivational letter, creating an eye-catching CV and having an outstanding portfolio might be discouraging your applicants. Remember that most of the applicants for your internship position are currently studying or about to finish their education, thus this is their moment to shine and gather more experience. Do not expect them to have 3 years of experience with a flawless portfolio. By simplifying the process, more applicants will take the time to apply and you have the opportunity to choose which ones caught your attention the most. This will also make it easier for you when going through the reviewing process. 


Interns do not want to feel like being part of your team only short term. Even though the interns will spend a few months with you and your team, allow them to go to different events with you. Any networking opportunity will be much appreciated. Anything from events to courses, whatever it is you can offer to them, let them know. Small things matter. Show them you care and help them build the basis of their career paths. 

Going the extra mile

Making the job unique can be done in many ways. Our little tip is to play with the description of your job ad. Make the important things stand out. Use bold text or maybe italics to help you drive attention. Do you feel extra adventurous? Emojipedia can help you add a little spark to your description by including some of the coolest emojis emphasizing what is necessary. Do not be afraid of taking these extra steps as they do not take a long time and will for sure pay off in the future. 

Need help with looking for intern ?

If you feel like you would need help with screening the applicants, do not worry. The Hub has your back! Once creating your job ad, you can leave the first screening of your applicants to us and we will do the work instead of you. You just need to choose this option when creating your job post and will then select and forward applicants who are the perfect fit for the position saving you the time with the initial process of going through many applications.

The Hub is an open digital platform tailored to the needs of growth startups and talent looking for their dream job. We aim to give visibility to all Nordic startups and via the platform assist startups with the recruitment of talents, fundraising, and useful tools together with helping all the talented people get their foot in the door of the current job market.Â