
A job interview is often the final deciding factor in whether or not you get the job. It’s your chance to show the employer that you have the skills, experience, and personality that they are looking for. However, nailing the job interview is about more than just having the right qualifications. It’s also about asking the right questions. The questions you ask in a job interview can say a lot about you. Not only about your interest in the job but also show that you have done your research and that you are truly interested in the role. So, if you want to make a good impression and increase your chances of getting the job, be sure to ask these 8 questions in your next job interview!

1. How Would You Describe the Culture of the Company?

Firstly, the culture of a company is its personality. It’s the way of working, the values and beliefs, and how people interact with each other. With this said, it’s important to understand the culture of a company before you commit to taking a job there. Ask the interviewer to explain what values the company lives by. What are their norms? Are there any special practices that set the company apart from others? Knowing more about the company’s culture can help you decide whether you’ll fit in with the team and be successful in the role.

2. What Are the Company's Values?

Knowing an organisation’s values can help you learn how it views success, the environment it values, and its expectations of customers, employees and partners. It can give you an insight into their decision-making process and how they approach challenges. Ask the interviewer what the company values are or how employees are encouraged to live those values. This will help you understand how you’ll fit into this group and how rewarding the job may be. Read more about why the core values matter here

3. What Is the Company's Mission Statement?

Every organisation has a mission statement which sets out the goals they seek to achieve and the means of achieving them. It’s a way of ensuring everyone is marching in the same direction and working towards a shared purpose. Ask the interviewer to explain the company’s mission statement, how it is communicated, and how the team works together to achieve the company’s goals.

4. What Are the Company's Goals?

Aside from the mission statement, a company will usually have a set of more specific goals that it is trying to achieve. Ask the interviewer for details on the company’s short and long-term objectives, and perhaps even where the company is hoping to be in 10 years’ time. This question may also give you a better idea of how the role you’re interviewing for fits into the bigger picture, and how you can contribute to the company’s growth.

5. How Does the Company Measure Success?

It is important to ask how a company measures success. Asking this general question may also give you an indication of the sorts of performance metrics you’ll be expected to meet while you’re in the role and may also provide insight into which tasks and activities are most important to the organisation.

6. What Is the Company's History?

A company’s history can provide insight into the organisation’s values and goals. It can also provide clues about the company’s future plans, which could have an impact on your potential role there. Ask the interviewer about the company’s founding, where it started, and how it has changed over time.

7. What Is the Company's Size?

The size of a company usually has an impact on the way that it operates and the style of management that is used. Ask the interviewer about the size of the team and the company, the different roles and responsibilities within the organisation, and how decisions are made.


8. How Does a Day in XY Position Look Like?

Knowing the day-to-day tasks and overall responsibilities of the position you are interviewing for is a great way to break the ice and get to know the company a little better. Therefore, asking the interviewer about what would a regular day in this position look like can help you get a better understanding of the role. Moreover, it also shows dedication and interest in the role, which is very important.

To emphasize, asking the right questions in a job interview can help you figure out whether the job is right for you. Therefore, if you’re serious about getting the job be sure to incorporate these questions into your next interview! Read more on what you need to do before even applying for your dream job and land that interview you always dreamt of.